One-Way Ticket nach Kanada!

Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2013 – Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland. [Google-Map-v3 shortcodeid =”ccfd195a” width =”605″ Höhe =”150″ zoom =”4″ maptype =”Fahrplan” mapalign =”Zentrum” directionhint =”falsch” language =”von” Speisung durch =”falsch” MapTypeControl =”falsch” Pancontrol =”wahr” Zoomcontrol =”wahr” Scalecontrol =”wahr” streetviewcontrol =”wahr” scrollwheelcontrol =”wahr” ziehbar =”wahr” tiltfourtyfive =”falsch” enablegeolocationmarker =”falsch” addmarkermashup =”falsch” addmarkermashupbubble =”falsch” addmarkerlist =”Frankfurt Weiterlesen…

Back to Beautiful Canada!

I am not a fan of facebooking every single thing I do, eat or think, especially not when it comes to very private things. But there is something I want to say to all of you out there, to all my loved ones, family and friends, to people I may have met only once but also to people I don’t know: Many of you know that my family and I have had a very hard time in the past one and a half years. The ninth day of…


Nun sitze ich hier in aktuell 10.972km Höhe auf Sitzplatz-Nr. 35D der Fluglinie LH492 neben meinem Schwesterherz. Mit einer rasenden Geschwindigkeit von 872km/h fliegen wir gen Vancouver. Noch 3h und 23min bzw. 2670km trennen uns von unserem Abenteuer!
