“Sometimes we forget that Life itself is a journey. Even if we aren’t travelling, every experience in every place is a personal journey. It is always about finding your own way.” Belinda Schneider http://on.fb.me/16K1MXQ

Mal wieder nachts und anstatt schlafen zu gehen, schmiede ich weiter meine Reisepläne ;) …und bin auf ein paar Worte gestoßen, die nicht nur Buchstaben in Reih und Glied fügen, sondern… – echte Globetrotter wissen das! – wahr sind! When you find yourself questioning your lifestyle or your life choices, have a quick read through these and see if the bring some clarity. Remember guys, we only have one life – how are you gonna live yours? A few words worth reading and thinking about it…   “Twenty…

“Make a start. That’s it. Stop creating obstacles, stop ‘accepting’ that it’ll never be you, stop comparing yourself to others, and most of all stop procrastinating. Be proactive, make a decision that moves you towards your dream. Stop talking about it, stop waiting for your friends to join you, stop waiting for your families approval. Do it now, make your start. To get to where we wanna be, we gotta start moving in that direction. Talking about it doesn’t count. Start making progress, any Weiterlesen…
